Thursday, March 26, 2020

Does Tutoring Experience Count As Editing?

Does Tutoring Experience Count As Editing?A student will be taking some form of English course, whether it's a beginners' course or a full-fledged university course, and tutoring should be a part of it. Tutoring can provide you with the skills to go further in your chosen field, but there are a few factors to take into account. Is it worth the time and effort involved in editing a student's essay?Writing assignments and essays should be judged by the student, not the instructor. That means that you have to consider how well the student is doing when it comes to writing. The student needs to be able to write on their own, with their own style and with their own opinions. However, how do you make sure that they write well enough to write an excellent essay?It is essential that the tutor has the authority to edit their students' work. A course tutor, especially one from a large university, may be able to help with editing, but it will probably take the better part of a week or more to g et back to the student to discuss the edits. An instructor may have several staff members who can help with this, but this will depend on the staff members' experience and education level. Most universities allow their instructors to edit their students' essays.How much work does it actually take to edit a student's essay? Well, at a minimum, you will need to meet with the student and give them a copy of their work so that they can look over it. You will need to take a few minutes to read through it and explain any points that the student thinks needs work. You may need to ask for clarification on an important point, but the main point is that you need to spend some time to do this. This time is valuable to you, as it allows you to discuss the essay with the student before you start editing.You may need to meet with the student again to discuss the edits and give them more guidance. When you do this, it is important that you remain completely objective. One mistake that many student s make is that they expect that they will be edited by their tutor. If this is the case, it is understandable, but make sure that you are not making the student feel that he or she is doing the editing. You should be the one doing the editing. In this way, you will be working with the student to make changes, and the student will feel more in control of the essay.Students who have been tutored already are likely to be more in control of their work, and you want to make sure that you are not working with an instructor who is so interested in editing their students' essays that they are controlling their decisions. You should avoid this at all costs. Instead, you should work with your students to make sure that their work is great.Editing should not be the focus of your tutoring, but this depends on the student. Some students do well with tutoring, while others are less skilled at it. However, if you are working with a student who is extremely difficult, you should ensure that you are working with a tutor who can edit the student's work to the best of his or her ability.

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