Friday, March 6, 2020

Places for Boxing Coaching

Places for Boxing Coaching Where Can You Coach Boxing? ChaptersBecome a Boxing Coach in a Boxing GymTeaching Boxing through Online PlatformsBecoming a Boxing Coach through Word of Mouth“Even though you think boxing is a contact sport, it teaches you not to fight on the street, to behave. It gives you discipline and self-control.” - Amir KhanBoxing is a sport that many are familiar with but very few are masters of. It seems so simple; hit your opponent. There are several types of boxing but the one thing they all have in common is that you need to learn the technique and train.There are multiple related disciplines and some that share many similarities despite originating independently from traditional boxing. With so many disciplines, getting coaching is the way to go. Whether you’re interested in traditional boxing, savate, Thai boxing, or kick-boxing, you can always learn.  If you already know how to do it and are looking to become a coach, you’ll need to know where you can ply your trade.Which are the best places to coach boxi ng?Let’s have a look. AndreyBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KostiaBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LeeBoxing Teacher £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SajBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KaranBoxing Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThomasBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HaileyBoxing Teacher 4.50 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBecome a Boxing Coach in a Boxing Gym“Boxing isn’t just a sport, it’s a way of life.” - Maëlle PariezIf you decide to coach boxing, the most obvious solution is also the simplest, teaching in a boxing club. There are hundreds of boxing gyms across the UK and there's likely one near you. You can coach boxing in boxing gyms, regular gyms, and fitness centres. (Source: xusenru)Of course, to work in a boxing club, you’ll need the necessary experience and qualifications. Unsurprisingly, a place that specialises in boxing training won’t hire just anyone off the street.  If this is what you plan on doing, then you’ll need to be looking at boxing coaching courses before you start applying to jobs.Boxing clubs are home to the Noble Art. The coaches are trained specialists and teach amateurs and professionals alike and you can find boxers of every level at boxing clubs and the coaches need to be quite adaptable.  By “adaptable”, we mean that in addition to having some very experienced members, boxing clubs are also the first port of call for aspiring boxers. Depending on your level and schedule, you may be surprised by who you have to teach.Don’t worry, though. Your love of the sport should get you through every challenge. Most training sessions take place with sm all groups working on their technique, tactics, and physical training.  Some boxing clubs are housed in gyms so check if your local gym also has a boxing club that you could work for.Find out more about becoming a boxing coach.Teaching Boxing through Online PlatformsAnother effective solution is to teach boxing using modern technologies. Thanks to the internet, aspiring boxers can get coaching whenever they want from wherever they want. In the modern age, many things can be taught online. (Source: SFReader)These sessions are also taught by qualified and talented boxing coaches and you could be one of them. The idea’s quite simple; in most cases, you’ll be the boss, set your rates, and manage your schedule.It all seems very good on paper, doesn’t it?There are multiple online platforms where you can get boxing coaching including Superprof, of course. While some of these platforms only offer courses and tutorials via webcam (which isn’t ideal for boxing), Superprof also offers face-to-face tutorials and training. Thus, you can find groups of students, organise private training sessions, set your rates, work according to your schedule, and train where you want to. You could train in a gym, park, or even in your garage. Anything is possible!With personalised training sessions, you can set your sights much higher than you would for in a group lesson. Similarly, the student will have more trust in the coach and fee l more relaxed in the ring. Make sure you try to coach in the same place as often as possible.Similarly, make sure you remain a consummate professional. Being the boss means that no-one is watching over you so you need to make sure that you stay disciplined. Even budding boxers training in a park need to treat it like they would a boxing club. Especially if they want to become champions!As a private boxing coach, you can offer whatever type of boxing class you want. A lot of boxing coaches also work as fitness trainers and bring their knowledge of boxing to their fitness classes.Ever heard of fitness boxing?This is a way to use a boxing workout to get fit or get in shape rather than focus on boxing techniques for use in the ring. After all, most professionals train relentlessly before they even put their boxing gloves on.Instead of learning how to throw perfect punches and working on your footwork, these high-intensity boxing workouts are designed as a full-body workout with a focus on aerobic exercise, building your stamina, and toning your body rather than preparing you to become a professional boxer. After all, cardio forms a large part of boxing fitness.Rather than punching a heavy bag or speed bag, the focus will be on raising your heart rate and getting a total body workout to burn fat and tone muscle.Find out more about starting your career as a boxing instructor.Becoming a Boxing Coach through Word of MouthYou can’t become a private boxing coach (or any private tutor for that matter) without the appropriate support group. Outside of the boxing club, word of mouth will let others know that you’re passionate about coaching boxing and good at your job. You just need to convert interested parties into paying students. If you're good to your clients, they'll tell other potential clients about you. (Source: eloneo)Make sure you have the right equipment, taking your potential students’ needs into account as well as potential locations where you can train them. In some cases, you may even want to rent a room. More often than not in the UK, the weather will thwart the best-laid plans.Word of mouth is a great way to make your coaching business successful. After all, boxing is very difficult to teach yourself...To find students, make sure that everyone you know is aware that you’re coaching boxing. You can even look to local businesses, too. Put up an ad on a local bakery noticeboard, leave some cards at the newsagent’s, etc. Soon everyone in the neighbourhood will know that you’re the boxing coach to go to.Similarly, you’ll probably find potential students in gyms and boxing clubs. Of course, don’t go poaching students from other coaches.Why not offer a free trial session to interested parti es?Similarly, make sure you have a web presence in the form of profiles on the appropriate websites and consider getting your website.  Nowadays, there are plenty of digital tools to help us. Social networks, blogs, etc. all offer a great way to find potential clients.  A quick email blast, a nice website, or a well-managed Instagram account and you’ll soon start finding clients.Who said that you have to just teach the one discipline?If you can do traditional boxing and kick-boxing, there’s nothing to stop you from offering both. You have to think carefully about the best places to coach boxing. (Source: Skitterphoto)As you’ll have understood, if you know what to do, coaching boxing can be quite simple. The know-how will get you far. If you opt for working in a boxing club, you’ll have to be versatile and able to teach various levels.Online platforms are a quick and effective way to find students in the digital age. It’s up to you to decide how you’re going to run things, though.Word of mouth, the oldest option, can also be the most effective. With a few classified ads and digital tools like social media and websites, anyone with the skills can start coaching boxing.Keep in mind that if you're offering personal training or private boxing classes, you'll be expected to tailor your lessons to your students. If they're interested in sparring, shadow boxing, or strength training, let them focus on that. Of course, if their fitness goals also include preparing for a fight, you need to ensure that they have a fighting chance, even if they aren't interested in some of the less appealing aspects of professional boxing training.Find out more about how much boxing coaches earn.So are you ready to start coaching?No matter which discipline of boxing you want to coach, you have to take the first step.Ready?You can learn more about boxing from our other articles or even get boxing tutorials from one of the many experienced and talented tutors on Superprof. There are many boxing coaches around the UK and all over the world ready to help you but you need to choose the right one and the right type of tutorials. There are three main types, face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials, and each has its pros and cons.

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